刚刚,灵动微电子日前宣布,全球知名半导体MCU领域专家Geoff Lees于近日正式加入灵动,担任战略和创新资深副总裁。

Geoff Lees曾任恩智浦半导体资深副总裁兼边缘处理事业部总经理。在此期间,他带领产品和研发部门推动微控制器、应用处理器和网络处理器业务的高速增长,并使其成为嵌入式系统行业的巨头。在此之前,Geoff曾任飞思卡尔半导体资深副总裁,负责微控制器和应用处理器业务。
作为MCU领域元老,Geoff Lees专注于MCU三十余年,他曾推出业界第一款32位闪存MCU,主导开发并推出了第一款Cortex-M0和双核M0/M4架构的MCU,首创了异构非对称Arm多核架构,并推出了i.MX RT系列跨界处理器概念。此外,Geoff还推动了i.MX应用处理器成为汽车、工业、电子阅读器和大众市场中最受欢迎的基于Arm的处理器。
灵动微电子创始人兼董事长吴忠洁博士对Geoff给予高度评价:“对于灵动来说,Geoff Lees的加盟具有非凡的价值。他是嵌入式系统的杰出领导者,带来的不仅是专业经验,还有声望和人脉。Geoff的加入有助于灵动微电子将MM32打造成更前沿的产品,扩大 MM32 在中国和全球市场的知名度,在更多客户中扩展并提高占有率,并制定MM32 MCU在高端工业、IoT微控制器和汽车电子领域未来长期的发展战略。”
近年来,随着智能化的深入以及国产替代的东风,很多本土MCU获得了大发展,很多公司年增长率高达5倍,10倍以上。不过看统计数据,本土MCU在市场占比只有10%左右,大部分市场依然被国外大品牌占据。2020年,全球MCU市场份额前五企业营收合计占行业总营收75.6%。目前,本土MCU虽然进入了智能表计、高端智能家电等领域,但是中高端应用领域工控、高端家电、医疗、汽车依然被日系、欧美系厂商把持。本土MCU要获得长足发展,就必须向高端冲击!如何向高端冲击?而吸收优秀的国际专家加盟,以国际化的视野运营本土MCU 是推动本土MCU走向高端的一条捷径,全球MCU领域的顶级大神Geoff Lees加盟本土灵动微电子 这不是第一个,也不是最后一个,未来本土MCU一定会吸引更多全球大神加盟,加油!
Geoff Lees joins MindMotion Microelectronics
Shanghai, China, March 2022 – MindMotion Microelectronics announced that Geoff Lees, the world-famed MCU leader, joined MindMotion as Senior Vice President of Strategy and Innovation.
Geoff Lees was Senior VP and GM of Edge Processing Business Unit in NXP Semiconductors, who led the product and R&D teams to drive the high growth of microcontroller, application processor and networking processor businesses and built NXP the giant in the embedded system industry. Prior to that, Geoff was Senior Vice President in Freescale Semiconductors and took charge of microcontroller and application processor businesses. Geoff is a veteran in MCU with over 30 years of expertise. He introduced the first 32-bit Flash memory MCU, led the development and launch of the first Cortex-M0 and dual core M0/M4-based MCU, innovated the Arm-based heterogeneous asymmetric multicore architecture, launched the crossover processor concept with i.MX RT families. Geoff also drove the i.MX application processor as the most popular Arm-based one in Automotive, Industrial, e-readers, and mass markets.
“Geoff’s join in MindMotion is of extraordinary value. As an outstanding leader in the embedded system industry, Geoff brings us not only professional experience, but fame and connections as well.” Geoff is spoken highly of by Dr. Zhongjie Wu, founder and president of MindMotion. “With Geoff’s participation to MindMotion, it’s helpful for building MM32 into a cutting-edge product portfolio, making MM32 well-known in China and globe, extending its presence and increasing its market share among more customers. It can also be a boost for us to develop a long-term strategy towards future growth for MM32 MCU in high-end industrial, IoT microcontrollers and automotive electronics.”